Publications 2020
Alferink LJ, Radjabzadeh D, Erler NS, Vojinovic D, Medina-Gomez C, Uitterlinden AG, Knegt RJ, Amin N, Ikram MA, Janssen H, Kiefte-deJong JC, Metselaar HJ, Duijn CMV, Kraaij R, Darwish Murad S. Microbiomics, Metabolomics, Predicted Metagenomics and Hepatic Steatosis in a Population-Based Study of 1355 Adults. Hepatology. 2020.
Alferink LJM, Erler NS, de Knegt RJ, Janssen HLA, Metselaar HJ, Darwish Murad S, Kiefte-de Jong JC. Adherence to a Plant-Based, High-Fibre Dietary Pattern Is Related to Regression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in an Elderly Population. Eur J Epidemiol. 2020;35(11):1069-85.
Barnhoorn MC, Wasser M, Roelofs H, Maljaars PWJ, Molendijk I, Bonsing BA, Oosten LEM, Dijkstra G, van der Woude CJ, Roelen DL, Zwaginga JJ, Verspaget HW, Fibbe WE, Hommes DW, Peeters K, van der Meulen-de Jong AE. Long-Term Evaluation of Allogeneic Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapy for Crohn's Disease Perianal Fistulas. J Crohns Colitis. 2020;14(1):64-70.
Beelen EMJ, van der Woude CJ, de Vries AC. Intestinal Resection Rates in Crohn's Disease Decline across Two Different Epidemiological Areas: A Consistent Observation Not Merely Due to Introduction of Anti-Tnfalpha. Gut. 2020;69(9):1.
Beudeker BJ, Groothuismink ZM, de Man RA, Janssen H, van der Eijk AA, Boonstra A, Sonneveld MJ. Hepatitis B Core-Related Antigen Levels Predict Pegylated Interferon-Alpha Therapy Response in Hbeag-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B. Antivir Ther. 2020.
Beudeker BJB, Boonstra A. Circulating Biomarkers for Early Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2020;13:1756284820931734.
Biemans VBC, Sleutjes JAM, de Vries AC, Bodelier AGL, Dijkstra G, Oldenburg B, Lowenberg M, van Bodegraven AA, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, de Boer NKH, Srivastava N, West RL, Romkens TEH, Horjus Talabur Horje CS, Jansen JM, van der Woude CJ, Hoekstra J, Weersma RK, van Schaik FDM, Hoentjen F, Pierik MJ, Dutch Initiative on C, Colitis. Tofacitinib for Ulcerative Colitis: Results of the Prospective Dutch Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (Icc) Registry. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2020;51(9):880-8.
Biemans VBC, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, van der Woude CJ, Lowenberg M, Dijkstra G, Oldenburg B, de Boer NKH, van der Marel S, Bodelier AGL, Jansen JM, Haans JJL, Theeuwen R, de Jong D, Pierik MJ, Hoentjen F. Ustekinumab for Crohn's Disease: Results of the Icc Registry, a Nationwide Prospective Observational Cohort Study. J Crohns Colitis. 2020;14(1):33-45.
Biemans VBC, van der Woude CJ, Dijkstra G, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Oldenburg B, de Boer NK, Lowenberg M, Srivastava N, Bodelier AGL, West RL, Jansen JM, de Vries AC, Haans JJL, de Jong DJ, Pierik MJ, Hoentjen F. Vedolizumab for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Two-Year Results of the Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (Icc) Registry, a Nationwide Prospective Observational Cohort Study: Icc Registry - Vedolizumab. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2020;107(5):1189-99.
Bleijenberg AG, JE IJ, van Herwaarden YJ, Carballal S, Pellise M, Jung G, Bisseling TM, Nagtegaal ID, van Leerdam ME, van Lelyveld N, Bessa X, Rodriguez-Moranta F, Bastiaansen B, de Klaver W, Rivero L, Spaander MC, Koornstra JJ, Bujanda L, Balaguer F, Dekker E. Personalised Surveillance for Serrated Polyposis Syndrome: Results from a Prospective 5-Year International Cohort Study. Gut. 2020;69(1):112-21.
Bleijenberg AGC, van Leerdam ME, Bargeman M, Koornstra JJ, van Herwaarden YJ, Spaander MC, Sanduleanu S, Bastiaansen BAJ, Schoon EJ, van Lelyveld N, Dekker E, JEG IJ. Substantial and Sustained Improvement of Serrated Polyp Detection after a Simple Educational Intervention: Results from a Prospective Controlled Trial. Gut. 2020;69(12):2150-8.
Boeijen LL, Spaan M, Boonstra A. The Effects of Nucleoside/Nucleotide Analogues on Host Immune Cells: The Baseline for Future Immune Therapy for Hbv? Antivir Ther. 2020.
Boor PPC, Sideras K, Biermann K, Hosein Aziz M, Levink IJM, Mancham S, Erler NS, Tang X, van Eijck CH, Bruno MJ, Sprengers D, Zang X, Kwekkeboom J. Hhla2 Is Expressed in Pancreatic and Ampullary Cancers and Increased Expression Is Associated with Better Post-Surgical Prognosis. Br J Cancer. 2020;122(8):1211-8.
Borgsteede SD, Weersink RA, Geijteman E, Metselaar HJ, Hunfeld NGM. Recommendations for Safe Medication Use in Liver Impairment: Importance of Transparency and Reflections on Analgesics, Hypnotics, and Anti-Emetics. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2020;59(3):e6-e8.
Borren NZ, Paulides E, Frinack JL, Olson RN, Willrich MAV, van der Woude CJ, Ananthakrishnan AN. Infliximab Trough Levels Are Not Predictive of Relapse in Patients with Ibd in Endoscopic Remission: A Multicenter Cohort Study. Dig Dis Sci. 2020.
Borren NZ, Tan W, Colizzo FP, Luther J, Garber JJ, Khalili H, van Der Woude CJ, Ananthakrishnan AN. Longitudinal Trajectory of Fatigue with Initiation of Biologic Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Crohns Colitis. 2020;14(3):309-15.
Boxhoorn L, Fritzsche JA, Fockens P, van Hooft JE, de Jonge PJF, Poley JW, Bruno MJ, Voermans RP. Clinical Outcome of Endoscopic Treatment for Symptomatic Sterile Walled-Off Necrosis. Endoscopy. 2020.
Boxhoorn L, Voermans RP, Bouwense SA, Bruno MJ, Verdonk RC, Boermeester MA, van Santvoort HC, Besselink MG. Acute Pancreatitis. Lancet. 2020;396(10252):726-34.
Brand EC, Elias SG, Minderhoud IM, van der Veen JJ, Baert FJ, Laharie D, Bossuyt P, Bouhnik Y, Buisson A, Lambrecht G, Louis E, Pariente B, Pierik MJ, van der Woude CJ, D'Haens G, Vermeire S, Oldenburg B, Dutch Initiative on C, Colitis. Systematic Review and External Validation of Prediction Models Based on Symptoms and Biomarkers for Identifying Endoscopic Activity in Crohn's Disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(8):1704-18.
Broker MEE, Taimr P, de Vries M, Braun LMM, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM, Dwarkasing RS. Performance of Contrast-Enhanced Sonography Versus Mri with a Liver-Specific Contrast Agent for Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Adenoma and Focal Nodular Hyperplasia. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020;214(1):81-9.
Bruno MJ. Lams for All Pancreatic Fluid Collections? Endosc Int Open. 2020;8(9):E1161-E2.
Choi HSJ, Brouwer WP, Zanjir WMR, de Man RA, Feld JJ, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA, Patel K. Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Is Associated with Liver-Related Outcomes and All-Cause Mortality in Chronic Hepatitis B. Hepatology. 2020;71(2):539-48.
Choi HSJ, van Campenhout MJH, van Vuuren AJ, Krassenburg LAP, Sonneveld MJ, de Knegt RJ, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA. Ultra Long-Term Follow-up of Interferon-Alpha Treatment for Hbeag-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.
de Beijer MTA, Jansen D, Dou Y, van Esch WJE, Mok JY, Maas MJP, Brasser G, de Man RA, Woltman AM, Buschow SI. Discovery and Selection of Hepatitis B Virus-Derived T Cell Epitopes for Global Immunotherapy Based on Viral Indispensability, Conservation, and Hla-Binding Strength. J Virol. 2020;94(7).
de Goede B, van Rooijen MMJ, van Kempen BJH, Polak WG, de Man RA, Taimr P, Lange JF, Metselaar HJ, Kazemier G. Conservative Treatment Versus Elective Repair of Umbilical Hernia in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Ascites: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (Crucial Trial). Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2020.
de Jong DM, Poley JW, Bruno MJ, de Jonge PJF. Uncommon Cause of Cholangitis Due to a Migrated Pancreatic Stone into the Common Bile Duct. VideoGIE. 2020;5(12):667-9.
de Knegt RJ, Potthoff A, Wirth T. [Management of Benign Liver Tumors]Management Benigner Lebertumoren. Internist (Berl). 2020;61(2):140-6.
De Lima-Karagiannis A, Juillerat P, Sebastian S, Pedersen N, Bar-Gil Shitrit A, van der Woude CJ. Management of Pregnant Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients During the Covid-19 Pandemic. J Crohns Colitis. 2020;14(Supplement_3):S807-S14.
de Neree Tot Babberich MPM, Ledeboer M, van Leerdam ME, Spaander MCW, van Esch AAJ, Ouwendijk RJ, van der Schaar PJ, van der Beek S, Lacle MM, Seegers PA, Wouters M, Fockens P, Dekker E. Dutch Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Audit: Automated Extraction of Colonoscopy Data for Quality Assessment and Improvement. Gastrointest Endosc. 2020;92(1):154-62 e1.
de Rijk FE, Kempeneers MA, Bruno MJ, Besselink MG, van Goor H, Boermeester MA, van Geenen EJ, van Hooft JE, van Santvoort HC, Verdonk RC, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Suboptimal Care for Chronic Pancreatitis Patients Revealed by Moderate to Low Adherence to the United European Gastroenterology Evidence-Based Guidelines (Hapaneu): A Netherlands Nationwide Analysis. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020;8(7):764-74.
de Vries-Sluijs T, Andrinopoulou ER, de Man RA, van der Ende ME. Fendrix(R) Compared to Engerix(R) in Hiv-Infected Patients Nonresponding to Initial- and Re-Vaccination Schedule. Neth J Med. 2020;78(6):376-80.
Debes JD, Boonstra A, de Knegt RJ. Nafld-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Hepatology. 2020;71(3):774-6.
Debes JD, Groothuismink ZMA, de Man RA, Boonstra A. Association between a Progesterone Receptor Mutation and Hepatitis E Sero-Positivity in Liver Transplant Recipients. J Med Virol. 2020.
Debes JD, van Oord G, Boonstra A. Validation of Whole Blood Rapid Diagnosis Test for Hepatitis B. Ann Glob Health. 2020;86(1):53.
Deijl W, Arkenbosch J, van Ruler O, van der Woude CJ, Stevens H, de Graaf E, Schouten R. Autologous Platelet-Rich Stroma in Complex Perianal Fistulas. Dis Colon Rectum. 2020;63(6):860-1.
Doornekamp L, Goetgebuer RL, Schmitz KS, Goeijenbier M, van der Woude CJ, Fouchier R, van Gorp ECM, de Vries AC. High Immunogenicity to Influenza Vaccination in Crohn's Disease Patients Treated with Ustekinumab. Vaccines (Basel). 2020;8(3).
Dou Y, Jansen D, van den Bosch A, de Man RA, van Montfoort N, Araman C, van Kasteren SI, Zom GG, Krebber WJ, Melief CJM, Woltman AM, Buschow SI. Design of Tlr2-Ligand-Synthetic Long Peptide Conjugates for Therapeutic Vaccination of Chronic Hbv Patients. Antiviral Res. 2020;178:104746.
Dreesen E, Baert F, Laharie D, Bossuyt P, Bouhnik Y, Buisson A, Lambrecht G, Louis E, Oldenburg B, Pariente B, Pierik M, van der Woude CJ, D'Haens G, Vermeire S, Gils A. Monitoring a Combination of Calprotectin and Infliximab Identifies Patients with Mucosal Healing of Crohn's Disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(3):637-46 e11.
Eyck BM, Onstenk BD, Noordman BJ, Nieboer D, Spaander MCW, Valkema R, Lagarde SM, Wijnhoven BPL, van Lanschot JJB. Accuracy of Detecting Residual Disease after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ann Surg. 2020;271(2):245-56.
Farag MS, van Campenhout MJH, Pfefferkorn M, Fischer J, Deichsel D, Boonstra A, van Vuuren AJ, Ferenci P, Feld JJ, Berg T, Hansen BE, van Bommel F, Janssen HLA. Hepatitis B Virus Rna as Early Predictor for Response to Pegylated Interferon Alfa in Hbeag Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. Clin Infect Dis. 2020.
Faria AVS, Andrade SS, Reijm AN, Spaander MCW, de Maat MPM, Peppelenbosch MP, Ferreira-Halder CV, Fuhler GM. Correction: Faria, A.V.S. Et Al., Targeting Tyrosine Phosphatases by 3-Bromopyruvate Overcomes Hyperactivation of Platelets from Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients. J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8, 936. J Clin Med. 2020;9(8).
Gaspersz MP, Klompenhouwer AJ, Broker MEE, Thomeer MGJ, van Aalten SM, Steegers E, Terkivatan T, de Koning H, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM. Growth of Hepatocellular Adenoma During Pregnancy: A Prospective Study. J Hepatol. 2020;72(1):119-24.
Ghalandari N, Dolhain R, Hazes JMW, Siezen CLE, van der Laan JW, Crijns H, van Puijenbroek EP, van der Woude CJ. The Pre- and Post-Authorisation Data Published by the European Medicines Agency on the Use of Biologics During Pregnancy and Lactation. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2020;86(3):580-90.
Gijsbers KM, Post Z, Schrauwen RWM, Tang TJ, Bisseling TM, Bac DJ, Veenstra RP, Schreuder RM, Epping Stippel LSM, de Vos Tot Nederveen Cappel WH, Slangen RME, van Lelyveld N, Witteman EM, van Milligen de Wit M, Honkoop P, Alderlieste Y, Ter Borg PJC, van Roermund R, Schmittgens S, Dekker E, Leeuwenburgh I, de Ridder RJJ, Zonneveld AM, Hadithi M, van Leerdam ME, Bruno MJ, Vleggaar FP, Moons LMG, Koch AD, Ter Borg F. Low Value of Second-Look Endoscopy for Detecting Residual Colorectal Cancer after Endoscopic Removal. Gastrointest Endosc. 2020;92(1):166-72.
Goverde A, Eikenboom EL, Viskil EL, Bruno MJ, Doukas M, Dinjens WNM, Dubbink EJ, van den Ouweland AMW, Hofstra RMW, Wagner A, Spaander MCW. Yield of Lynch Syndrome Surveillance for Patients with Pathogenic Variants in DNA Mismatch Repair Genes. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(5):1112-20 e1.
Greuter MJ, Carvalho B, Wit M, Dekker E, Spaander MC, Meijer GA, Engeland MV, Coupe VM. Can a Biomarker Triage Test Reduce Colonoscopy Burden in Fecal Immunochemical Test Screening? J Comp Eff Res. 2020;9(8):563-71.
Grobbee EJ, Lam SY, Fuhler GM, Blakaj B, Konstantinov SR, Bruno MJ, Peppelenbosch MP, Kuipers EJ, Spaander MC. First Steps Towards Combining Faecal Immunochemical Testing with the Gut Microbiome in Colorectal Cancer Screening. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020;8(3):293-302.
Grobbee EJ, van der Vlugt M, van Vuuren AJ, Stroobants AK, Mallant-Hent RC, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, Bossuyt PMM, Kuipers EJ, Dekker E, Spaander MCW. Diagnostic Yield of One-Time Colonoscopy Vs One-Time Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Vs Multiple Rounds of Mailed Fecal Immunohistochemical Tests in Colorectal Cancer Screening. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(3):667-75 e1.
Hakim MS, Jariah ROA, Spaan M, Boonstra A. Interleukin 15 Upregulates the Expression of Pd-1 and Tim-3 on Cd4(+) and Cd8(+) T Cells. Am J Clin Exp Immunol. 2020;9(3):10-21.
Hallensleben ND, Umans DS, Bouwense SA, Verdonk RC, Romkens TE, Witteman BJ, Schwartz MP, Spanier MB, Laheij R, van Santvoort HC, Besselink MG, van Hooft JE, Bruno MJ, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. The Diagnostic Work-up and Outcomes of 'Presumed' Idiopathic Acute Pancreatitis: A Post-Hoc Analysis of a Multicentre Observational Cohort. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020;8(3):340-50.
Harms MH, de Veer RC, Lammers WJ, Corpechot C, Thorburn D, Janssen HLA, Lindor KD, Trivedi PJ, Hirschfield GM, Pares A, Floreani A, Mayo MJ, Invernizzi P, Battezzati PM, Nevens F, Ponsioen CY, Mason AL, Kowdley KV, Hansen BE, Buuren HRV, van der Meer AJ. Number Needed to Treat with Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy to Prevent Liver Transplantation or Death in Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Gut. 2020;69(8):1502-9.
Harms MH, van Buuren HR, van der Meer AJ. Reply To: "Switching Vs. Add-on Strategy in Pbc Treatment: Lessons from Udca and Bezafibrate Experience". J Hepatol. 2020;72(6):1211-2.
Hoek RAS, Manintveld OC, Betjes MGH, Hellemons ME, Seghers L, Van Kampen JAA, Caliskan K, van de Wetering J, van den Hoogen M, Metselaar HJ, Hesselink DA, Rotterdam Transplant G. Covid-19 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Single-Center Experience. Transpl Int. 2020;33(9):1099-105.
Hoogeveen RC, Boonstra A. Checkpoint Inhibitors and Therapeutic Vaccines for the Treatment of Chronic Hbv Infection. Front Immunol. 2020;11:401.
Ikram MA, Brusselle G, Ghanbari M, Goedegebure A, Ikram MK, Kavousi M, Kieboom BCT, Klaver CCW, de Knegt RJ, Luik AI, Nijsten TEC, Peeters RP, van Rooij FJA, Stricker BH, Uitterlinden AG, Vernooij MW, Voortman T. Objectives, Design and Main Findings until 2020 from the Rotterdam Study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2020;35(5):483-517.
Isfordink CJ, Brakenhoff SM, van Dijk M, van der Valk M, de Knegt RJ, Arends JE, Drenth JP, HepNed study g. Hepatitis C Elimination in the Netherlands (Celine): Study Protocol for Nationwide Retrieval of Lost to Follow-up Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C. BMJ Open Gastroenterol. 2020;7(1):e000396.
Issa Y, Kempeneers MA, Bruno MJ, Fockens P, Poley JW, Ahmed Ali U, Bollen TL, Busch OR, Dejong CH, van Duijvendijk P, van Dullemen HM, van Eijck CH, van Goor H, Hadithi M, Haveman JW, Keulemans Y, Nieuwenhuijs VB, Poen AC, Rauws EA, Tan AC, Thijs W, Timmer R, Witteman BJ, Besselink MG, van Hooft JE, van Santvoort HC, Dijkgraaf MG, Boermeester MA, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Effect of Early Surgery Vs Endoscopy-First Approach on Pain in Patients with Chronic Pancreatitis: The Escape Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2020;323(3):237-47.
Jansen JC, van Hoek B, Metselaar HJ, van den Berg AP, Zijlstra F, Huijben K, van Scherpenzeel M, Drenth JPH, Lefeber DJ. Screening for Abnormal Glycosylation in a Cohort of Adult Liver Disease Patients. J Inherit Metab Dis. 2020;43(6):1310-20.
Kamar N, Abravanel F, Behrendt P, Hofmann J, Pageaux GP, Barbet C, Moal V, Couzi L, Horvatits T, De Man RA, Cassuto E, Elsharkawy AM, Riezebos-Brilman A, Scemla A, Hillaire S, Donnelly MC, Radenne S, Sayegh J, Garrouste C, Dumortier J, Glowaki F, Matignon M, Coilly A, Figueres L, Mousson C, Minello A, Dharancy S, Rerolle JP, Lebray P, Etienne I, Perrin P, Choi M, Marion O, Izopet J, Hepatitis EVRSG. Ribavirin for Hepatitis E Virus Infection after Organ Transplantation: A Large European Retrospective Multicenter Study. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;71(5):1204-11.
Kanis SL, Modderman S, Escher JC, Erler N, Beukers R, de Boer N, Bodelier A, Depla A, Dijkstra G, van Dijk ARM, Gilissen L, Hoentjen F, Jansen JM, Kuyvenhoven J, Mahmmod N, Mallant-Hent RC, van der Meulen-de Jong AE, Noruzi A, Oldenburg B, Oostenbrug LE, Ter Borg PCJ, Pierik M, Romberg-Camps M, Thijs W, West R, de Lima A, van der Woude CJ, Initiative on C, Colitis. Health Outcomes of 1000 Children Born to Mothers with Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Their First 5 Years of Life. Gut. 2020.
Kempeneers MA, Ahmed Ali U, Issa Y, van Goor H, Drenth JPH, van Dullemen HM, van Hooft JE, Poen AC, van Veldhuisen SL, Besselink MG, van Santvoort HC, Bruno MJ, Boermeester MA, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Natural Course and Treatment of Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency in a Nationwide Cohort of Chronic Pancreatitis. Pancreas. 2020;49(2):242-8. Kempeneers MA, Bruno MJ, Boermeester MA. Surgery Vs Endoscopy for Early Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis-Reply. JAMA. 2020;323(21):2203.
Kessler AL, Bruno MJ, Buschow SI. The Potential of Soluble Human Leukocyte Antigen Molecules for Early Cancer Detection and Therapeutic Vaccine Design. Vaccines (Basel). 2020;8(4).
Kirkegaard-Klitbo DM, Bendtsen F, Lundgren J, de Knegt RJ, Kofoed KF, Nielsen SD, Benfield T. Increased Prevalence of Liver Fibrosis in People Living with Hiv without Viral Hepatitis Compared to Population Controls. J Infect Dis. 2020.
Klompenhouwer AJ, Alblas M, van Rosmalen BV, Haring MPD, Venema E, Doukas M, Thomeer MGJ, Takkenberg RB, Verheij J, de Meijer VE, van Gulik TM, Lingsma HF, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM. Response to Chen Et Al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2020;115(1):147-8.
Klompenhouwer AJ, de Man RA, Dioguardi Burgio M, Vilgrain V, Zucman-Rossi J, Ijzermans JNM. New Insights in the Management of Hepatocellular Adenoma. Liver Int. 2020;40(7):1529-37.
Klompenhouwer AJ, Dwarkasing RS, Doukas M, Pellegrino S, Vilgrain V, Paradis V, Soubrane O, Beane JD, Geller DA, Nalesnik MA, Tripke V, Lang H, Schmelzle M, Pratschke J, Schoning W, Beal E, Sun S, Pawlik TM, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM. Hepatic Angiomyolipoma: An International Multicenter Analysis on Diagnosis, Management and Outcome. HPB (Oxford). 2020;22(4):622-9.
Klompenhouwer AJ, van Rosmalen BV, Haring MPD, Thomeer MGJ, Doukas M, Verheij J, de Meijer VE, van Gulik TM, Takkenberg RB, Kazemier G, Nevens F, de Man RA, Ijzermans JNM. A Multicentre Retrospective Analysis on Growth of Residual Hepatocellular Adenoma after Resection. Liver Int. 2020;40(9):2272-8.
Kooyker AI, Toes-Zoutendijk E, Opstal-van Winden AWJ, Buskermolen M, van Vuuren HJ, Kuipers EJ, van Kemenade FJ, Ramakers C, Dekker E, Nagtegaal ID, de Koning HJ, Spaander MCW, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I, van Leerdam ME. Colonoscopy-Related Mortality in a Fecal Immunochemical Test-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Program. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020.
Kooyker AI, Toes-Zoutendijk E, Opstal-van Winden AWJ, Spaander MCW, Buskermolen M, van Vuuren HJ, Kuipers EJ, van Kemenade FJ, Ramakers C, Thomeer MGJ, Dekker E, Nagtegaal ID, de Koning HJ, van Leerdam ME, Lansdorp-Vogelaar I. The Second Round of the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Screening Program: Impact of an Increased Fecal Immunochemical Test Cut-Off Level on Yield of Screening. Int J Cancer. 2020;147(4):1098-106.
Krassenburg LAP, Maan R, Ramji A, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Wedemeyer H, de Knegt RJ, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA, de Man RA, Feld JJ, van der Meer AJ. Clinical Outcomes Following Daa Therapy in Patients with Hcv-Related Cirrhosis Depend on Disease Severity. J Hepatol. 2020.
Kreijne JE, de Vries AC, de Veer RC, Bouma G, Dijkstra G, Voskuil MD, West R, van Moorsel SAW, de Jong DJ, de Boer NK, van der Woude CJ, initiative on C, Colitis. Limited Added Value of Laboratory Monitoring in Thiopurine Maintenance Monotherapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2020;51(12):1353-64.
Labeur TA, Berhane S, Edeline J, Blanc JF, Bettinger D, Meyer T, Van Vugt JLA, Ten Cate DWG, De Man RA, Eskens F, Cucchetti A, Bonnett LJ, Van Delden OM, Klumpen HJ, Takkenberg RB, Johnson PJ. Improved Survival Prediction and Comparison of Prognostic Models for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated with Sorafenib. Liver Int. 2020;40(1):215-28.
Lakhtakia S, Reddy N, Dolak W, Ponchon T, Bruno MJ, Bourke MJ, Neuhaus H, Roy A, Gonzalez-Huix Llado F, Kortan PP, Peetermans J, Rousseau M, Costamagna G, Deviere J, Benign Biliary Stenoses Working G. Long-Term Outcomes after Temporary Placement of a Self-Expanding Fully Covered Metal Stent for Benign Biliary Strictures Secondary to Chronic Pancreatitis. Gastrointest Endosc. 2020;91(2):361-9 e3.
Lantinga MA, Theunissen F, Ter Borg PCJ, Bruno MJ, Ouwendijk RJT, Siersema PD, Trans ITfsg. Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Netherlands: Analysis of a Prospective Endoscopy Database. Endoscopy. 2020.
Laschtowitz A, de Veer RC, Van der Meer AJ, Schramm C. Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Biliary Cholangitis. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020;8(6):667-74.
Latenstein AEJ, Mackay TM, van Huijgevoort NCM, Bonsing BA, Bosscha K, Hol L, Bruno MJ, van Coolsen MME, Festen S, van Geenen E, Groot Koerkamp B, Hemmink GJM, de Hingh I, Kazemier G, Lubbinge H, de Meijer VE, Molenaar IQ, Quispel R, van Santvoort HC, Seerden TCJ, Stommel MWJ, Venneman NG, Verdonk RC, Besselink MG, van Hooft JE, Dutch Pancreatic Cancer G. Nationwide Practice and Outcomes of Endoscopic Biliary Drainage in Resectable Pancreatic Head and Periampullary Cancer. HPB (Oxford). 2020.
Levink IJM, Nesteruk K, Visser DI, Sieuwerts AM, Fernandes CJC, Jansen M, van Driel L, Poley JW, Peppelenbosch MP, Cahen DL, Fuhler GM, Bruno MJ. Optimization of Pancreatic Juice Collection: A First Step toward Biomarker Discovery and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer. Am J Gastroenterol. 2020;115(12):2103-8.
Li P, Liu J, Li Y, Su J, Ma Z, Bramer WM, Cao W, de Man RA, Peppelenbosch MP, Pan Q. The Global Epidemiology of Hepatitis E Virus Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Liver Int. 2020;40(7):1516-28.
Li Y, Li P, Li Y, Zhang R, Yu P, Ma Z, Kainov DE, de Man RA, Peppelenbosch MP, Pan Q. Drug Screening Identified Gemcitabine Inhibiting Hepatitis E Virus by Inducing Interferon-Like Response Via Activation of Stat1 Phosphorylation. Antiviral Res. 2020;184:104967.
Li Y, Qu C, Spee B, Zhang R, Penning LC, de Man RA, Peppelenbosch MP, Fieten H, Pan Q. Hepatitis E Virus Seroprevalence in Pets in the Netherlands and the Permissiveness of Canine Liver Cells to the Infection. Ir Vet J. 2020;73:6.
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Murillo Perez CF, Harms MH, Lindor KD, van Buuren HR, Hirschfield GM, Corpechot C, van der Meer AJ, Feld JJ, Gulamhusein A, Lammers WJ, Ponsioen CY, Carbone M, Mason AL, Mayo MJ, Invernizzi P, Battezzati PM, Floreani A, Lleo A, Nevens F, Kowdley KV, Bruns T, Dalekos GN, Gatselis NK, Thorburn D, Trivedi PJ, Verhelst X, Pares A, Janssen HLA, Hansen BE, Group GPS. Goals of Treatment for Improved Survival in Primary Biliary Cholangitis: Treatment Target Should Be Bilirubin within the Normal Range and Normalization of Alkaline Phosphatase. Am J Gastroenterol. 2020;115(7):1066-74.
Muthusamy VR, Bruno MJ, Kozarek RA, Petersen BT, Pleskow DK, Sejpal DV, Slivka A, Peetermans JA, Rousseau MJ, Tirrell GP, Ross AS. Clinical Evaluation of a Single-Use Duodenoscope for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(9):2108-17 e3.
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Scholten L, Latenstein AE, Aalfs CM, Bruno MJ, Busch OR, Bonsing BA, Koerkamp BG, Molenaar IQ, Ubbink DT, van Hooft JE, Fockens P, Glas J, DeVries JH, Besselink MG, Dutch Pancreatic Cancer G. Prophylactic Total Pancreatectomy in Individuals at High Risk of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (Propan): Systematic Review and Shared Decision-Making Programme Using Decision Tables. United European Gastroenterol J. 2020;8(8):865-77.
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Smits LJT, Pauwels RWM, Kievit W, de Jong DJ, de Vries AC, Hoentjen F, van der Woude CJ, group Ls. Lengthening Adalimumab Dosing Interval in Quiescent Crohn's Disease Patients: Protocol for the Pragmatic Randomised Non-Inferiority Ladi Study. BMJ Open. 2020;10(5):e035326.
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Timmerhuis HC, van Dijk SM, Verdonk RC, Bollen TL, Bruno MJ, Fockens P, van Hooft JE, Voermans RP, Besselink MG, van Santvoort HC, Dutch Pancreatitis Study G. Various Modalities Accurate in Diagnosing a Disrupted or Disconnected Pancreatic Duct in Acute Pancreatitis: A Systematic Review. Dig Dis Sci. 2020.
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van Dijk LJD, van Noord D, van Mierlo M, Bijdevaate DC, Bruno MJ, Moelker A. Single-Center Retrospective Comparative Analysis of Transradial, Transbrachial, and Transfemoral Approach for Mesenteric Arterial Procedures. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2020;31(1):130-8.
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Dissertations 2020
21-01-2020. Louisa van Dijk. Chronic mesenteric ischeamia in the picture. Promotoren: Prof.dr. M.J. Bruno, Prof.dr. G.P. Krestin. Copromotoren: Dr. D. Leemreis, Dr. A. Moelker.
10-03-2020: Maren Harms. Prognosis and Treatment of Primary Biliary Cholangitis. Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J. Metselaar. Copromotor: Dr. H.R. van Buuren, Dr. B.E. Hansen.
01-09-2020. Lauke Boeijen. Human immune responses during hepatitis B viral load fluctuations. Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J. Metselaar. Copromotor: Dr. A. Boonstra.
08-09-2020. Mitchell Lie. Knowledge Gaps in the Management of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Promotor: Prof.dr. C.J. van der Woude. Copromotoren: Dr. A.C. de Vries. Dr. G.M. Fuhler.
16-09-2020. Nynke Borren. Quality of life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: when IBD goes beyond the gut. Promotor: Prof.dr. C.J. van der Woude. Copromotor: Dr. A.N. Ananthakrishna
25-09-2020. Loes Alferink. Liver health in the general population. The role of diet, body composition and the gut microbiome. Promotoren: Prof.dr. H.J. Metselaar, Prof.dr. J.C. Kiefte-de Jong. Copromotor: Dr. S. Darwish Murad.
21-10-2020. Rosalie Oey. Studies in Advanced Chronic Liver Disease. Promotor: Prof.dr. H.J. Metselaar. Copromotor: Dr. H.R. van Buuren.
27-10-2020. Vincent Janmaat. Carcigonesis, prediction and palliative treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. Promotoren: Prof.dr. M. Peppelenbosch, Prof.dr. M.J. Bruno. Copromotoren: Prof.dr. V.M.C.W. Spaander, Dr. G.M. Fuhler.
28-10-2020. Floor Vergouwe: Long term follow up after esophageal atresia repair: fysical growth and gastrointestinal morbidity. Promotoren: Prof.dr. M.J. Bruno, Prof.dr. R.M.H. Wijnen. Copromotoren: Prof.dr. V.M.C.W. Spaander, Dr. H. IJsselstijn
11-12-2020. Pavel Taimr. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in focal liver lesions. Promotoren: Prof.dr. R.A. de Man, Prof.dr. J.N.M. IJzermans.