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Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board consists of Prof.dr. H.W. Tilanus, Mr. H.M.I.Th. Breedveld and Drs. W.A.P.J. Caderius van Veen RA. The members of the Supervisory Board are not financially compensated for their SLO activities. 


The SLO Board consists of academic researchers working at the Erasmus MC (University Medical Center, Rotterdam). The members of the Board are not financially compensated for their SLO activities. 

Visiting address

Erasmus MC

Dr. Molewaterplein 40

3015 GD Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Mailing address

c/o Erasmus MC

PO Box 2040

3000 CA Rotterdam

The Netherlands

Bank information
Name on account: Stichting voor Lever en Maag-Darm Onderzoek
Account number: 1487.53.663
IBAN: NL 52RABO 0148753663

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