Dr. C.M. den Hoed
Board member Foundation for Liver and Gastrointestinal Research
Hepatologist at Erasmus MC
Caroline den Hoed was born in Rotterdam in 1982. She studied medicine at the Leiden University. She obtained her PhD on Helicobacter pylori in the Erasmus MC in 2012 under supervision of Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuipers.
She started her training as a gastroenterologist en hepatologist in 2011, developing an interest in hepatology and liver transplantation. Since May 2017 she has been working as a gastroenterologist in the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam and from June 2021 she was appointed as medical director of the liver transplantation program.
She aims to providing optimal care for patients with a liver disease. By participation in clinical and translational research she strives to optimize the care for our patients. Her focus is especially to optimize the outcomes of liver transplantation. On one hand by trying to identify the factors that will improve patient clinical status on the waiting list in the pre transplantation period, especially those with Acute on Chronic Liver failure and on the other hand by trying to improve the long term outcomes, among others with focus on optimizing immunosuppression schemes and recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma.